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A-21-0014 PROPERTY OWNER: Cheshire Parc, LLC APPLICANT: Mary Bynum REQUEST: Applicant requests a variance from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow residences (Lots 385, 386, 389, *392, *405, & *411) in the Cheshire Parc Subdivision (Phase II F) to be a minimum of 15’ from back of curb in lieu of the minimum required 25 feet to allow house plan to fit on the lot.ZONING DISTRICT: R-7(Planned Unit Development) PARCEL ID#: part of 4300011000008005 SEC/TWP/RANGE: Section 01 / Township 20 / Range 5 W ADDRESS: 5516, 5512, 5500, 5509, 5561, and 5560 Cathwick Trace, McCalla, 35111 ACREAGE: 5.7 Acres +/- GENERAL AREA: McCalla
A-21-0017 PROPERTY OWNER: Arleen Whitted APPLICANT: Arleen Whitted REQUEST: A use variance to allow a mobile home to be placed in R-2 zoning in lieu of the required A-1 (Agriculture) or R-6 (Single Family) zoning and to allow said mobile home to be a minimum of five (5) feet from the side property lines in lieu of the minimum required nine (9) feet. ZONING DISTRICT: R-2 (Single Family) PARCEL ID#: 3800213013006000 SEC/TWP/RANGE: Section 21 / Township 19 / Range 4 W ADDRESS: 708 Carter Avenue, Bessemer, 35020 ACREAGE: 0.70 Acres +/- GENERAL AREA: Eastern Valley
A-21-0018 PROPERTY OWNER: Baronwood Property, LLC APPLICANT: David Rawson REQUEST: Variance from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow 190 square feet of parking area per space (parking spaces nine (9) feet in width; or to allow 1.8 parking spaces per unit in lieu of the required two (2) per unit. ZONING DISTRICT: R-4 (Multi-Family) PARCEL ID#: 39002830000001000 SEC/TWP/RANGE: Section 28 / Township 19 / Range 3 W ADDRESS: 2328 Hwy 150, Birmingham, 35244 ACREAGE: 32.51 Acres +/- GENERAL AREA: Hoover
A-21-0019 PROPERTY OWNER: Sonya Preston Horn APPLICANT: Sonya Preston Horn REQUEST: Variance from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow an accessory structure to be located on a property in a recorded subdivision (Lot 1 of the Horn Subdivision) prior to first establishing a residence. ZONING DISTRICT: A-1 (Agriculture) PARCEL ID#: 0600060000009000SEC/TWP/RANGE: Section 06 / Township 15 / Range 4 W ADDRESS: 8585 Greathouse Loop Road, Dora, 35062 ACREAGE: 14.79 Acres +/- GENERAL AREA: Corner
A-21-0021 PROPERTY OWNER: Scott & Vicki W. Holden APPLICANT: John A. Behl III REQUEST: Variance from the terms of the zoning regulations to construct a convenience store 42 feet from the centerline of Old Gap Road in lieu of the 52 feet from centerline previously approved by variance (case A-2020-013). ZONING DISTRICT: C-1 (Commercial) PARCEL ID#: 4200124000017000 & 4200124000017001 SEC/TWP/RANGE: Section 12 / Township 20 / Range 4 W ADDRESS: 3430 Morgan Road, Bessemer 3502 ACREAGE: 0.67 Acres +/- GENERAL AREA: South Shades Crest
A-21-0022 PROPERTY OWNER: Bruno Capital Management Corp. APPLICANT: Kelly Watson REQUEST: To allow a guest house ZONING DISTRICT: E-2 (Estate) PARCEL ID#: 2800291002001000 SEC/TWP/RANGE: Section 29 / Township 18 / Range 2 W ADDRESS: 3525 Misty Lane, Birmingham, 35243 ACREAGE: 2 Acres +/- GENERAL AREA: Vestavia
Jul 26, 2021 Board of Zoning Adjustment
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A-21-0014 PROPERTY OWNER: Cheshire Parc, LLC APPLICANT: Mary Bynum REQUEST: Applicant requests a variance from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow residences (Lots 385, 386, 389, *392, *405, & *411) in the Cheshire Parc Subdivision (Phase II F) to be a minimum of 15’ from back of curb in lieu of the minimum required 25 feet to allow house plan to fit on the lot.ZONING DISTRICT: R-7(Planned Unit Development) PARCEL ID#: part of 4300011000008005 SEC/TWP/RANGE: Section 01 / Township 20 / Range 5 W ADDRESS: 5516, 5512, 5500, 5509, 5561, and 5560 Cathwick Trace, McCalla, 35111 ACREAGE: 5.7 Acres +/- GENERAL AREA: McCalla
A-21-0017 PROPERTY OWNER: Arleen Whitted APPLICANT: Arleen Whitted REQUEST: A use variance to allow a mobile home to be placed in R-2 zoning in lieu of the required A-1 (Agriculture) or R-6 (Single Family) zoning and to allow said mobile home to be a minimum of five (5) feet from the side property lines in lieu of the minimum required nine (9) feet. ZONING DISTRICT: R-2 (Single Family) PARCEL ID#: 3800213013006000 SEC/TWP/RANGE: Section 21 / Township 19 / Range 4 W ADDRESS: 708 Carter Avenue, Bessemer, 35020 ACREAGE: 0.70 Acres +/- GENERAL AREA: Eastern Valley
A-21-0018 PROPERTY OWNER: Baronwood Property, LLC APPLICANT: David Rawson REQUEST: Variance from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow 190 square feet of parking area per space (parking spaces nine (9) feet in width; or to allow 1.8 parking spaces per unit in lieu of the required two (2) per unit. ZONING DISTRICT: R-4 (Multi-Family) PARCEL ID#: 39002830000001000 SEC/TWP/RANGE: Section 28 / Township 19 / Range 3 W ADDRESS: 2328 Hwy 150, Birmingham, 35244 ACREAGE: 32.51 Acres +/- GENERAL AREA: Hoover
A-21-0019 PROPERTY OWNER: Sonya Preston Horn APPLICANT: Sonya Preston Horn REQUEST: Variance from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow an accessory structure to be located on a property in a recorded subdivision (Lot 1 of the Horn Subdivision) prior to first establishing a residence. ZONING DISTRICT: A-1 (Agriculture) PARCEL ID#: 0600060000009000SEC/TWP/RANGE: Section 06 / Township 15 / Range 4 W ADDRESS: 8585 Greathouse Loop Road, Dora, 35062 ACREAGE: 14.79 Acres +/- GENERAL AREA: Corner
A-21-0021 PROPERTY OWNER: Scott & Vicki W. Holden APPLICANT: John A. Behl III REQUEST: Variance from the terms of the zoning regulations to construct a convenience store 42 feet from the centerline of Old Gap Road in lieu of the 52 feet from centerline previously approved by variance (case A-2020-013). ZONING DISTRICT: C-1 (Commercial) PARCEL ID#: 4200124000017000 & 4200124000017001 SEC/TWP/RANGE: Section 12 / Township 20 / Range 4 W ADDRESS: 3430 Morgan Road, Bessemer 3502 ACREAGE: 0.67 Acres +/- GENERAL AREA: South Shades Crest
A-21-0022 PROPERTY OWNER: Bruno Capital Management Corp. APPLICANT: Kelly Watson REQUEST: To allow a guest house ZONING DISTRICT: E-2 (Estate) PARCEL ID#: 2800291002001000 SEC/TWP/RANGE: Section 29 / Township 18 / Range 2 W ADDRESS: 3525 Misty Lane, Birmingham, 35243 ACREAGE: 2 Acres +/- GENERAL AREA: Vestavia
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