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A-22-0006 Karen Leah Boozer, Kimberly Lynne McElroy, and Justin Ross McElroy Leah Boozer Variances from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow two (2) accessory structures to be placed on two (2) separate lots within a recorded subdivision without first establishing a primary residence. Proposed accessory structure on Lot 3 to be located 20 feet from the road right-of-way (Gadsden Highway), five (5) feet from railroad right-of-way, both in lieu of the required 35 feet; and to allow said structure to be placed zero feet from the side lot lines in lieu of the required 15 feet. Proposed accessory structure on Lot 4 to be located 20 feet from the road right-of-way (Gadsden Highway), five (5) feet from railroad right-of-way and zero feet to the side lot lines in lieu of the required 15 feet.
A-22-0014 Earsie Earl Allred, Jr. and Nelda W. Allred Steve Watkins Variances from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow construction of a 180-foot cellular communications tower to be located within 325 feet of a protected residential area; and to allow the tower to be constructed 150 feet from the nearest residence under separate ownership than the required 192.5 feet.
A-22-0016 Daniel Carr ^ # v ^ l | Paul Chatman Variances from the te-psess. of the zoning regulations to allow a mobile home to be occupied by a p r ms o t ^ than the property owner or the property o w n ^ ^ n i ^ ^ . f a m i l y oniroperty is lease to own).
A-22-0017 CorDarius Bland CorDarius Bland A variance from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow a mobile home to be placed 35 feet from a stick built home in lieu of the required 75 feet.
May 23, 2022 Board of Zoning Adjustment
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A-22-0006 Karen Leah Boozer, Kimberly Lynne McElroy, and Justin Ross McElroy Leah Boozer Variances from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow two (2) accessory structures to be placed on two (2) separate lots within a recorded subdivision without first establishing a primary residence. Proposed accessory structure on Lot 3 to be located 20 feet from the road right-of-way (Gadsden Highway), five (5) feet from railroad right-of-way, both in lieu of the required 35 feet; and to allow said structure to be placed zero feet from the side lot lines in lieu of the required 15 feet. Proposed accessory structure on Lot 4 to be located 20 feet from the road right-of-way (Gadsden Highway), five (5) feet from railroad right-of-way and zero feet to the side lot lines in lieu of the required 15 feet.
A-22-0014 Earsie Earl Allred, Jr. and Nelda W. Allred Steve Watkins Variances from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow construction of a 180-foot cellular communications tower to be located within 325 feet of a protected residential area; and to allow the tower to be constructed 150 feet from the nearest residence under separate ownership than the required 192.5 feet.
A-22-0016 Daniel Carr ^ # v ^ l | Paul Chatman Variances from the te-psess. of the zoning regulations to allow a mobile home to be occupied by a p r ms o t ^ than the property owner or the property o w n ^ ^ n i ^ ^ . f a m i l y oniroperty is lease to own).
A-22-0017 CorDarius Bland CorDarius Bland A variance from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow a mobile home to be placed 35 feet from a stick built home in lieu of the required 75 feet.
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