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A-22-0014 Earsie Earl Allred, Jr. and Nelda W. Allred owners; Steve Watkins, applicant requests variances from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow to allow construction of a 180-foot cellular communications tower to be located within 350 feet of a protected residential area; to allow the tower to be constructed 150 feet from the nearest residence under separate ownership than the required 198 feet; to allow the center of the tower to be located five (5) feet from the side (east) property line in lieu of the required 45 feet; and, to allow the tower compound to be located zero (0) feet to the side (east) property line in lieu of the required 15 feet. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture). Part of parcel ID# 3800321004001000 in Section 32 Twp 19 Range 4W. (Site Only: 5810 Rockdale Road, Bessemer, 35022)(EASTERN VALLEY)(0.15 acres+/-)
A-22-0018 Blake A. Findley and Margarita C. Findley, owners request A variance from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow an accessory structure to be located to the front of a residence in a recorded subdivision. Lot 1 according to the Survey of Tony Petelos Addition to Riverview Acres as recorded in Map Book 37, Page 70 in the office of the Jefferson County Judge of Probate, Bessemer Division. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture). Parcel ID# 3300070000001004 in Section 7 Twp 18 Range 7W. (Site Only: 885 Old Patton Ferry Road, Adger, 35006)(PROVIDENCE)(5.98 acres +/-)
Jun 27, 2022 Board of Zoning Adjustment
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A-22-0014 Earsie Earl Allred, Jr. and Nelda W. Allred owners; Steve Watkins, applicant requests variances from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow to allow construction of a 180-foot cellular communications tower to be located within 350 feet of a protected residential area; to allow the tower to be constructed 150 feet from the nearest residence under separate ownership than the required 198 feet; to allow the center of the tower to be located five (5) feet from the side (east) property line in lieu of the required 45 feet; and, to allow the tower compound to be located zero (0) feet to the side (east) property line in lieu of the required 15 feet. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture). Part of parcel ID# 3800321004001000 in Section 32 Twp 19 Range 4W. (Site Only: 5810 Rockdale Road, Bessemer, 35022)(EASTERN VALLEY)(0.15 acres+/-)
A-22-0018 Blake A. Findley and Margarita C. Findley, owners request A variance from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow an accessory structure to be located to the front of a residence in a recorded subdivision. Lot 1 according to the Survey of Tony Petelos Addition to Riverview Acres as recorded in Map Book 37, Page 70 in the office of the Jefferson County Judge of Probate, Bessemer Division. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture). Parcel ID# 3300070000001004 in Section 7 Twp 18 Range 7W. (Site Only: 885 Old Patton Ferry Road, Adger, 35006)(PROVIDENCE)(5.98 acres +/-)
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