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S-22-0066 Latham’s Scarlet Farms, Randy Latham, owner; Wes Bertoldi, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 0700040000030000 Section 04, Tp 15 S, Range 03 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 715 Spradling Road, Gardendale, 35071)(KIMBERLY)(23.9 Acres +/-)
S-22-0071 Ramiro Martinez Plot Plan, Ramiro Martinez Naranjo & Mariela Hierro Briseno, owners; Karl Hager, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 3700253000022000, 3700253000022001 Section 25, Tp 19 S, Range 5 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 5401 Demetrious Drive, Bessemer, 35022)(BESSEMER)(5.24 Acres +/-)
S-22-0085 Palmore Family Subdivision, Randall & Jeani Palmore, owners; Randall Palmore, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 3700253000022000, 3700253000022001 Section 19, Tp 14 S, Range 3 W. Four (4) lots proposed in R-1 (Single Family) zoning. (Case Only: 1650 Morton Road, Warrior, 35180)(WARRIOR)(14.58 Acres +/-)
S-22-0089 McCormack Resurvey of Lot 1, Joan Morgan, owner; Wes Bertoldi, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 0600080000053001 Section 08, Tp 15 S, Range 4 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 4859 Warrior Jasper Road, Dora, 35062)(DORA)(9.1 Acres +/-)
S-22-0093 Resurvey of Redman Hall Estates Second Sector, First Addition, James Harwick & Britney Gamble, owners; James Harwick, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 0800011000001003, 0800011000001004, 0800011000001005 Section 01, Tp 15 , Range 2 W. One (1) lot proposed in R-R (Rural Residential) zoning. (Case Only: 3928, 3934 & 3938 Redman Hall Road, Pinson, 35126)(MARSH MOUNTAIN)(4.28 Acres +/-)
S-22-0094 Martin Family Split, Gerald & Carolyn Martin, Patrick & Deborah Williams, Donna & Phillip Rogers, Sr., Emily & Phillip Rodgers, Jr , owners; Patrick Williams, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 3100172000038000, 3100172000039001, 3100172000039002 Section 17, Tp 18 S, Range 5 W. Four (4) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 1169 & 1189 Park Road, Bessemer, 35023)(WEST CONCORD)(20 Acres +/-)
S-22-0095 Burch Acres, Michael & Brenda Burch, owners; Wes Bertoldi, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 3200220000024005 Section 22, Tp 18 , Range 6 W. One (1) lot proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 9230 Camp Oliver Road, Adger, 35006)(OAK GROVE)(3.0 Acres +/-)
S-22-0096 Resurvey of Tyler Pogue Subdivision Lot 2, Nancy & Gerald Fulcher, Jr, owners; Drew Long, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s Part of 0300180000007005 & Part of 0300180000007000 Section 18, Tp 14 , Range 3 W. Four (4) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 9444 Central Road, Warrior, 35180)(CORNER)(39.88 Acres +/-)
Z-22-0049 Joan and Robert Moore Revocable Trust, owner; Chris Reebals, agent requests a change of zoning from R-1 (Single Family) to RG (Single Family) for a 5-lot garden home subdivision. Parcel ID# 2800211002028000 and 2800211002027000 in Section 12 Twp 19 Range 3 W. (Case Only, 2809 & 2815 Green Valley Road, Birmingham, AL 35243)(GREEN VALLEY)(0.75 acres +/-)
Z-22-0051 SMATrealestate, owner; Jessica Marn, agent requests a change of zoning from C-1 Commercial) to R-2 (Single Family) for compliance of two (2) existing singlefamily residences. Parcel ID#s 2100123004021000 & 2100123004021.001 in Section 12 Twp 17 Range 4 W. (Case Only, 2013 & 2021 Pratt Hwy, Birmingham, AL 35214)(FORESTDALE)(0.76 acres +/-)
Z-22-0056 JMB Enterprises, LLC, owner; Michael Bailey, agent requests a change of zoning from Inst-1 (Institutional) to C-1 (Commercial) for an automotive body shop. Parcel ID# 0900032004001003 in Section 03 Twp 5 Range 1W. (Case Only, 8800 Highway 75, Birmingham, AL 35126)(VILLAGE SPRINGS)(4.6 acres +/-
Z-22-0062 Heirs of Lucile Parsons, owner; Everett Scott representing the Heirs of Lucile Parsons, agent requests a change of zoning from Inst-1 (Institutional) to A-1 (Agriculture) for part of Lot 2 of Parsons 4 Lot Subdivision for residential and farm use. Parcel ID# 0600180000064003 in Section 18 Twp 15 Range 4W. (Case Only, 7565 Bankhead Hwy, Dora, AL 35062)(DORA)(1.75 acres +/-)
Z-22-0063 Patricia Washington, owner/agent requests a change of zoning from C-1 (Commercial) & R-2 (Single Family) to C-1 (Commercial) to remove split zoning for a proposed preschool/daycare center. Parcel ID#2200184008024000 in Section 18 Twp 17 Range 3W. (Case Only, 1030 Forestdale Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35214)(FORESTDALE)(.5 acres +/-)
Z-22-0064 Carlton Investments, Inc., owner; Missy Ellis, agent requests a change of zoning from A-1 (Agriculture) to I-1 (Light Industrial) to store trailers/trucks in a parking lot for Milo’s Tea. Parcel ID#3800222001003005 in Section 22 Twp 19 Range 4W. (Case Only, 3170 Dublin Lane, Bessemer, AL 35022)(MORGAN)(25.63 acres +/-)
Dec 08, 2022 Planning & Zoning Commission
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S-22-0066 Latham’s Scarlet Farms, Randy Latham, owner; Wes Bertoldi, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 0700040000030000 Section 04, Tp 15 S, Range 03 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 715 Spradling Road, Gardendale, 35071)(KIMBERLY)(23.9 Acres +/-)
S-22-0071 Ramiro Martinez Plot Plan, Ramiro Martinez Naranjo & Mariela Hierro Briseno, owners; Karl Hager, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 3700253000022000, 3700253000022001 Section 25, Tp 19 S, Range 5 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 5401 Demetrious Drive, Bessemer, 35022)(BESSEMER)(5.24 Acres +/-)
S-22-0085 Palmore Family Subdivision, Randall & Jeani Palmore, owners; Randall Palmore, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 3700253000022000, 3700253000022001 Section 19, Tp 14 S, Range 3 W. Four (4) lots proposed in R-1 (Single Family) zoning. (Case Only: 1650 Morton Road, Warrior, 35180)(WARRIOR)(14.58 Acres +/-)
S-22-0089 McCormack Resurvey of Lot 1, Joan Morgan, owner; Wes Bertoldi, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 0600080000053001 Section 08, Tp 15 S, Range 4 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 4859 Warrior Jasper Road, Dora, 35062)(DORA)(9.1 Acres +/-)
S-22-0093 Resurvey of Redman Hall Estates Second Sector, First Addition, James Harwick & Britney Gamble, owners; James Harwick, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 0800011000001003, 0800011000001004, 0800011000001005 Section 01, Tp 15 , Range 2 W. One (1) lot proposed in R-R (Rural Residential) zoning. (Case Only: 3928, 3934 & 3938 Redman Hall Road, Pinson, 35126)(MARSH MOUNTAIN)(4.28 Acres +/-)
S-22-0094 Martin Family Split, Gerald & Carolyn Martin, Patrick & Deborah Williams, Donna & Phillip Rogers, Sr., Emily & Phillip Rodgers, Jr , owners; Patrick Williams, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 3100172000038000, 3100172000039001, 3100172000039002 Section 17, Tp 18 S, Range 5 W. Four (4) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 1169 & 1189 Park Road, Bessemer, 35023)(WEST CONCORD)(20 Acres +/-)
S-22-0095 Burch Acres, Michael & Brenda Burch, owners; Wes Bertoldi, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 3200220000024005 Section 22, Tp 18 , Range 6 W. One (1) lot proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 9230 Camp Oliver Road, Adger, 35006)(OAK GROVE)(3.0 Acres +/-)
S-22-0096 Resurvey of Tyler Pogue Subdivision Lot 2, Nancy & Gerald Fulcher, Jr, owners; Drew Long, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s Part of 0300180000007005 & Part of 0300180000007000 Section 18, Tp 14 , Range 3 W. Four (4) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 9444 Central Road, Warrior, 35180)(CORNER)(39.88 Acres +/-)
Z-22-0049 Joan and Robert Moore Revocable Trust, owner; Chris Reebals, agent requests a change of zoning from R-1 (Single Family) to RG (Single Family) for a 5-lot garden home subdivision. Parcel ID# 2800211002028000 and 2800211002027000 in Section 12 Twp 19 Range 3 W. (Case Only, 2809 & 2815 Green Valley Road, Birmingham, AL 35243)(GREEN VALLEY)(0.75 acres +/-)
Z-22-0051 SMATrealestate, owner; Jessica Marn, agent requests a change of zoning from C-1 Commercial) to R-2 (Single Family) for compliance of two (2) existing singlefamily residences. Parcel ID#s 2100123004021000 & 2100123004021.001 in Section 12 Twp 17 Range 4 W. (Case Only, 2013 & 2021 Pratt Hwy, Birmingham, AL 35214)(FORESTDALE)(0.76 acres +/-)
Z-22-0056 JMB Enterprises, LLC, owner; Michael Bailey, agent requests a change of zoning from Inst-1 (Institutional) to C-1 (Commercial) for an automotive body shop. Parcel ID# 0900032004001003 in Section 03 Twp 5 Range 1W. (Case Only, 8800 Highway 75, Birmingham, AL 35126)(VILLAGE SPRINGS)(4.6 acres +/-
Z-22-0062 Heirs of Lucile Parsons, owner; Everett Scott representing the Heirs of Lucile Parsons, agent requests a change of zoning from Inst-1 (Institutional) to A-1 (Agriculture) for part of Lot 2 of Parsons 4 Lot Subdivision for residential and farm use. Parcel ID# 0600180000064003 in Section 18 Twp 15 Range 4W. (Case Only, 7565 Bankhead Hwy, Dora, AL 35062)(DORA)(1.75 acres +/-)
Z-22-0063 Patricia Washington, owner/agent requests a change of zoning from C-1 (Commercial) & R-2 (Single Family) to C-1 (Commercial) to remove split zoning for a proposed preschool/daycare center. Parcel ID#2200184008024000 in Section 18 Twp 17 Range 3W. (Case Only, 1030 Forestdale Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35214)(FORESTDALE)(.5 acres +/-)
Z-22-0064 Carlton Investments, Inc., owner; Missy Ellis, agent requests a change of zoning from A-1 (Agriculture) to I-1 (Light Industrial) to store trailers/trucks in a parking lot for Milo’s Tea. Parcel ID#3800222001003005 in Section 22 Twp 19 Range 4W. (Case Only, 3170 Dublin Lane, Bessemer, AL 35022)(MORGAN)(25.63 acres +/-)
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