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S-22-0091 David Weaver Subdivision, David & Lois Weaver, Devon Harmon, owners; Sommer Simpson designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 4200322000003000, 4200322000003002 Section 32, Tp 20 S, Range 4 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 8863 & 8891 Bluff Ridge Road, Bessemer, 35022)(MCCALLA)(14.76 Acres +/-)
S-22-0098 Horst Family 2 Lot Subdivision, Lydia Deanne Matthews & Carl Lewis Horst Jr., owners; Lydia Matthews, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 1400044001045000 Section 04, Tp 16 S, Range 3 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) & C-1 (Commercial) zoning*. (Case Only: 5617 Horst Way, Mount Olive, 35117)(MOUNT OLIVE)(16.18 Acres +/-)
S-22-0106 Scott’s Resurvey of Lots 1, 2 & 3 in Forestwood Farms, Everett Scott, Jr. & James H. Alvis, Jr., owners; Everett Scott, Jr., designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 0600170004021000, Part of 0600170004026000, 0600170004027000 Section 17, Tp 15 S, Range 4 W. Three (3) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) & I-3 (Industrial) zoning. (Case Only: 7504, 7530 & 7534 Forestwood Drive, Dora, 35062)(DORA)(33.41 Acres +/-)
S-22-0107 Dender Subdivision, Jill & Richard Dender, owners; Larry Davis, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 0700314000017000, 0700314000018000 Section 31, Tp 15 S, Range 3 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 6406 Water Works Road & 1723 Brookside Road, Mount Olive, 35117)(MOUNT OLIVE)(6.37 Acres +/-)
S-22-0108 Sola Acres, Trace Holdings, LLC, owner; Farrah Warren, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 3100153000018001 Section 15, Tp 18 S, Range 5 W. Two (2) lots proposed in R-1 (Single Family) zoning. (Case Only: 1365 White Drive, Bessemer, 35023)(CONCORD)(1.44 Acres +/-)
S-22-0109 Burns Subdivision, Elizabeth & Christopher Burns, owners; John Parks, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 0300300000030000 Section 30, Tp 14 S, Range 3 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 2160 Warrior Jasper Road, Warrior, 35180)(WARRIOR)(4.5 Acres +/-)
S-22-0110 H & C Properties Survey, H & C Properties LLC., owner;. Eddie Hooper, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 3100161000040000, 3100161000041000, 310016100004100 Section 16, Tp 18 S, Range 5 W. One (1) lot proposed in R-1 (Single Family) & C-1 (Commercial) zoning. (Case Only: 9760, 9816 & 9820 15th Street Road , Bessemer, 35023)(CONCORD)(4.21 Acres +/-)
S-23-0002 Bradford Park, Jefferson County Right-of-way, owner; James Henderson, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 0800024000020002 Section 02, Tp 15 S, Range 2 W. Three (3) lots proposed in INST-2 (Institutional) zoning. (Case Only: 8558 Bradford Trafford Road, Pinson, 35126)(BRADFORD)(13.28 Acres +/-)
LUA-2023-0001 The Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Commission will hear comments on a proposed minor land use amendment to the Jefferson County Land Use Plan in the Mount Olive area. The purpose of the Amendment is to allow the consideration of the General Transition or Mixed-Use designation located along Mount Olive Road from Brookside Road to McCravy Road in order to allow a proposed Dollar General Store.
Z-22-0053 Mark Randall & Patricia P. Ward, owners; Brandon R. Patrick, agent requests a change of zoning from A-1 (Agriculture) to C-1 (Commercial) for a commercial retail development. Parcel ID# Part of 0700324000036000 in Section 32 Twp 15 Range 3 W. (Case Only, 3236 Mount Olive Road, Birmingham, AL 35117)(MOUNT OLIVE)( acres +/-)
Z-23-0001 Vantage Land Holdings, LLC, owner; Bill Wilson, agent requests a change of zoning from C-1 (Commercial) to Institutional-2 for an age restricted (55+) multifamily development (The Villas At York). Parcel ID#s 12-15-2-000-002.001, 12- 15-2-000-002.003, and part of PID# 12-15-2-000-002.006 in Section 15 Twp 16 Range 1 W. (Case Only, 1225 Grayson Valley Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35235)(GRAYSON VALLEY)( 7.68 acres +/-)
Feb 09, 2023 Planning & Zoning Commission
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S-22-0091 David Weaver Subdivision, David & Lois Weaver, Devon Harmon, owners; Sommer Simpson designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 4200322000003000, 4200322000003002 Section 32, Tp 20 S, Range 4 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 8863 & 8891 Bluff Ridge Road, Bessemer, 35022)(MCCALLA)(14.76 Acres +/-)
S-22-0098 Horst Family 2 Lot Subdivision, Lydia Deanne Matthews & Carl Lewis Horst Jr., owners; Lydia Matthews, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 1400044001045000 Section 04, Tp 16 S, Range 3 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) & C-1 (Commercial) zoning*. (Case Only: 5617 Horst Way, Mount Olive, 35117)(MOUNT OLIVE)(16.18 Acres +/-)
S-22-0106 Scott’s Resurvey of Lots 1, 2 & 3 in Forestwood Farms, Everett Scott, Jr. & James H. Alvis, Jr., owners; Everett Scott, Jr., designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 0600170004021000, Part of 0600170004026000, 0600170004027000 Section 17, Tp 15 S, Range 4 W. Three (3) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) & I-3 (Industrial) zoning. (Case Only: 7504, 7530 & 7534 Forestwood Drive, Dora, 35062)(DORA)(33.41 Acres +/-)
S-22-0107 Dender Subdivision, Jill & Richard Dender, owners; Larry Davis, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 0700314000017000, 0700314000018000 Section 31, Tp 15 S, Range 3 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 6406 Water Works Road & 1723 Brookside Road, Mount Olive, 35117)(MOUNT OLIVE)(6.37 Acres +/-)
S-22-0108 Sola Acres, Trace Holdings, LLC, owner; Farrah Warren, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 3100153000018001 Section 15, Tp 18 S, Range 5 W. Two (2) lots proposed in R-1 (Single Family) zoning. (Case Only: 1365 White Drive, Bessemer, 35023)(CONCORD)(1.44 Acres +/-)
S-22-0109 Burns Subdivision, Elizabeth & Christopher Burns, owners; John Parks, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 0300300000030000 Section 30, Tp 14 S, Range 3 W. Two (2) lots proposed in A-1 (Agriculture) zoning. (Case Only: 2160 Warrior Jasper Road, Warrior, 35180)(WARRIOR)(4.5 Acres +/-)
S-22-0110 H & C Properties Survey, H & C Properties LLC., owner;. Eddie Hooper, designated plat representative. Parcel ID#s 3100161000040000, 3100161000041000, 310016100004100 Section 16, Tp 18 S, Range 5 W. One (1) lot proposed in R-1 (Single Family) & C-1 (Commercial) zoning. (Case Only: 9760, 9816 & 9820 15th Street Road , Bessemer, 35023)(CONCORD)(4.21 Acres +/-)
S-23-0002 Bradford Park, Jefferson County Right-of-way, owner; James Henderson, designated plat representative. Parcel ID# 0800024000020002 Section 02, Tp 15 S, Range 2 W. Three (3) lots proposed in INST-2 (Institutional) zoning. (Case Only: 8558 Bradford Trafford Road, Pinson, 35126)(BRADFORD)(13.28 Acres +/-)
LUA-2023-0001 The Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Commission will hear comments on a proposed minor land use amendment to the Jefferson County Land Use Plan in the Mount Olive area. The purpose of the Amendment is to allow the consideration of the General Transition or Mixed-Use designation located along Mount Olive Road from Brookside Road to McCravy Road in order to allow a proposed Dollar General Store.
Z-22-0053 Mark Randall & Patricia P. Ward, owners; Brandon R. Patrick, agent requests a change of zoning from A-1 (Agriculture) to C-1 (Commercial) for a commercial retail development. Parcel ID# Part of 0700324000036000 in Section 32 Twp 15 Range 3 W. (Case Only, 3236 Mount Olive Road, Birmingham, AL 35117)(MOUNT OLIVE)( acres +/-)
Z-23-0001 Vantage Land Holdings, LLC, owner; Bill Wilson, agent requests a change of zoning from C-1 (Commercial) to Institutional-2 for an age restricted (55+) multifamily development (The Villas At York). Parcel ID#s 12-15-2-000-002.001, 12- 15-2-000-002.003, and part of PID# 12-15-2-000-002.006 in Section 15 Twp 16 Range 1 W. (Case Only, 1225 Grayson Valley Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35235)(GRAYSON VALLEY)( 7.68 acres +/-)
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