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S-23-0073 Bobby Lee Jones & James Robert Jordan, owner; Bobby Lee Jones, applicant; Jones Addition to Van Salter Road, Two (2) lots Proposed, Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID’S# 2000190000071000, 2000190000071001 in Section 19/ Township 17/ Range 5 W (Site address: 7505 Van Salter Rd, Mulga, 35118)(0.93 Acres +/-)
S-24-0004 William & Jan K. Bailey & Bailey Farm LLC, owner; Bill Bailey, applicant; Final Plat Bailey Farms, Four (4) lots Proposed Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID’S# 4200042000002001, 4200042000001000, 4200042000001002, 4200042000001004 in Section 4/ Township 20/ Range R 4 W (Site addresses: 6137, 6201, 6223, 6288 South Butler Rd, Bessemer, 35022)(111.2 Acres +/-)
S-24-0007 Tommie Lou & Donnie Ray (Sr) Goodwin, owner; Kevin Hinkle, applicant; Goodwin Addition to Jett Town Road, Two (2) lots Proposed, Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID# 2000070000034000 in Section 7/ Township 17 S/ Range R 5 W (Site address: 2071 Jett Town Rd, Mulga, 35118)(2.32 Acres +/-)
S-24-0008 John W & Kelly Richardson, owner; John Richardson, applicant; Richardson Family Farm, Four (4) lots Proposed Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID# 0200263000006000 in Section 26/ Township 14 S/ Range 2 W
S-24-0009 Clifton Carroll (Life Estate), owner; Casey Lucas, applicant; Lucas Re-Survey of a Part of Lot 3 Raney Subdivision, Three (3) lots Proposed, Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID’S# 3200260000076000 320026000076001 in Section 26/ Township 18 S/ Range 6 W (Site address: 2351 Clifton Lane, Bessemer, 35023) (9.02 Acres +/-)
S-24-0010 Johnson Family Revocable Trust, owner; Larry Davis, applicant; Johnson Family Subdivision, Two (2) lots Proposed, Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID# 0400360000044000 in Section 36/ Township 14 S/ Range 4 W (Site address: 2785 Warrior Jasper Rd, Warrior, 35180)(56 Acres +/-)
S-24-0012 Kathryn EC & Adam Mahaffey, owner; Wesley Bertoldi, applicant; AK Mahaffey Resurvey, Two (2) lots Proposed Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID# 030018000002000 in Section 18/ Township 14 S/ Range R 3 W (Site address: 1560 Oren Miller Rd, Warrior, 35180)(19.755 Acres +/-)
S-24-0013 Louis & Virginia Nobinger, owner; Thomas Dreher, applicant; Nobinger’s Addition to Bessemer, Two (2) lots Proposed, Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID# 3800131001013000 in Section 18/ Township 19 S/ Range 4 W (Site address: 1660 Shannon Rd, Bessemer, 35022)(2.98 Acres +/-)
S-24-0014 Phillip Eugene & Evelyn Irene Hodge; Richard Dru Kenyon, owners; Phillip Hodge, applicant: A Resurvey of the Hodge Family Subdivision, Three (3) lots Proposed, Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID’S# 0200233000001001; 0200234000002003; 0200234000002008, 0200234000002006 in Section 23/ Township 14 S/ Range 2 W (Site address: 3225, 3231 & 3235 Smith Mill Rd, Trafford, 35172)(15.51 Acres +/-)
S-24-0015 Shirley Turpin, owner-applicant; Shirley Turpin Subdivision, Two (2) lots Proposed, Property zoned E-2 (Estate District) PID# 2800341003018000 in Section 34 / Township 18 S / Range 2 W (Site address: 2849 Five Oaks Lane, Birmingham, 35243)(15.51 Acres +/-)
Z-24-0003 Thomas Messer, owner; Thomas Messer, applicant; requests a change of zoning from AIR-1 (Airport to A-1 (Agriculture) for a personal storage building. PID# 0800140000038001 in Section 14/ Township 15/ Range 2 W (Site address: 7640 McCombs Mill Road, Pinson, AL 35126)( 2.12 Acres +/-)
Z-24-0004 Dennis Heron, owner; Carla Heron, applicant requests a change of zoning from C-1 (Commercial) with covenants to C-1 (Commercial) without covenants for a medispa. PID1400044002001000 in Section 04/ Township 16/ Range 3 W (Site address: 2700 Mount Olive Road, Mount Olive, AL 35117)(.86 Acres +/-)
Z-24-0005 Richard Byers, owner; Richard Byers, applicant; requests a change of zoning from R-1 (Single Family) to A-1 (Agriculture) to bring an existing mobile home into compliance. PID# 3100201000003000 in Section 20/ Township 18/ Range 5 W (Site address: 880 Willow Bend Lane, Bessemer, AL 35023)(21.22 Acres +/-)
Z-24-0006 Walker Family Holdings, LTD, owne; William Belmont, applicant; requests a change of zoning from A-1 (Agriculture to I-1 (Light Industrial) for the development of a 12,000 square ft. showroom and sales center with parking and an onsite storage yard for ATV’s UTV’s, motorcycles, sea-doos and like vehicles. PID# 1200221000018000 in Section 22/ Township 16/ Range 1 W (Site address: 4370 Valley Road, Birmingham, AL 35235)(3.30 Acres +/-)
Mar 14, 2024 Planning & Zoning Commission
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S-23-0073 Bobby Lee Jones & James Robert Jordan, owner; Bobby Lee Jones, applicant; Jones Addition to Van Salter Road, Two (2) lots Proposed, Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID’S# 2000190000071000, 2000190000071001 in Section 19/ Township 17/ Range 5 W (Site address: 7505 Van Salter Rd, Mulga, 35118)(0.93 Acres +/-)
S-24-0004 William & Jan K. Bailey & Bailey Farm LLC, owner; Bill Bailey, applicant; Final Plat Bailey Farms, Four (4) lots Proposed Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID’S# 4200042000002001, 4200042000001000, 4200042000001002, 4200042000001004 in Section 4/ Township 20/ Range R 4 W (Site addresses: 6137, 6201, 6223, 6288 South Butler Rd, Bessemer, 35022)(111.2 Acres +/-)
S-24-0007 Tommie Lou & Donnie Ray (Sr) Goodwin, owner; Kevin Hinkle, applicant; Goodwin Addition to Jett Town Road, Two (2) lots Proposed, Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID# 2000070000034000 in Section 7/ Township 17 S/ Range R 5 W (Site address: 2071 Jett Town Rd, Mulga, 35118)(2.32 Acres +/-)
S-24-0008 John W & Kelly Richardson, owner; John Richardson, applicant; Richardson Family Farm, Four (4) lots Proposed Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID# 0200263000006000 in Section 26/ Township 14 S/ Range 2 W
S-24-0009 Clifton Carroll (Life Estate), owner; Casey Lucas, applicant; Lucas Re-Survey of a Part of Lot 3 Raney Subdivision, Three (3) lots Proposed, Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID’S# 3200260000076000 320026000076001 in Section 26/ Township 18 S/ Range 6 W (Site address: 2351 Clifton Lane, Bessemer, 35023) (9.02 Acres +/-)
S-24-0010 Johnson Family Revocable Trust, owner; Larry Davis, applicant; Johnson Family Subdivision, Two (2) lots Proposed, Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID# 0400360000044000 in Section 36/ Township 14 S/ Range 4 W (Site address: 2785 Warrior Jasper Rd, Warrior, 35180)(56 Acres +/-)
S-24-0012 Kathryn EC & Adam Mahaffey, owner; Wesley Bertoldi, applicant; AK Mahaffey Resurvey, Two (2) lots Proposed Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID# 030018000002000 in Section 18/ Township 14 S/ Range R 3 W (Site address: 1560 Oren Miller Rd, Warrior, 35180)(19.755 Acres +/-)
S-24-0013 Louis & Virginia Nobinger, owner; Thomas Dreher, applicant; Nobinger’s Addition to Bessemer, Two (2) lots Proposed, Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID# 3800131001013000 in Section 18/ Township 19 S/ Range 4 W (Site address: 1660 Shannon Rd, Bessemer, 35022)(2.98 Acres +/-)
S-24-0014 Phillip Eugene & Evelyn Irene Hodge; Richard Dru Kenyon, owners; Phillip Hodge, applicant: A Resurvey of the Hodge Family Subdivision, Three (3) lots Proposed, Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) PID’S# 0200233000001001; 0200234000002003; 0200234000002008, 0200234000002006 in Section 23/ Township 14 S/ Range 2 W (Site address: 3225, 3231 & 3235 Smith Mill Rd, Trafford, 35172)(15.51 Acres +/-)
S-24-0015 Shirley Turpin, owner-applicant; Shirley Turpin Subdivision, Two (2) lots Proposed, Property zoned E-2 (Estate District) PID# 2800341003018000 in Section 34 / Township 18 S / Range 2 W (Site address: 2849 Five Oaks Lane, Birmingham, 35243)(15.51 Acres +/-)
Z-24-0003 Thomas Messer, owner; Thomas Messer, applicant; requests a change of zoning from AIR-1 (Airport to A-1 (Agriculture) for a personal storage building. PID# 0800140000038001 in Section 14/ Township 15/ Range 2 W (Site address: 7640 McCombs Mill Road, Pinson, AL 35126)( 2.12 Acres +/-)
Z-24-0004 Dennis Heron, owner; Carla Heron, applicant requests a change of zoning from C-1 (Commercial) with covenants to C-1 (Commercial) without covenants for a medispa. PID1400044002001000 in Section 04/ Township 16/ Range 3 W (Site address: 2700 Mount Olive Road, Mount Olive, AL 35117)(.86 Acres +/-)
Z-24-0005 Richard Byers, owner; Richard Byers, applicant; requests a change of zoning from R-1 (Single Family) to A-1 (Agriculture) to bring an existing mobile home into compliance. PID# 3100201000003000 in Section 20/ Township 18/ Range 5 W (Site address: 880 Willow Bend Lane, Bessemer, AL 35023)(21.22 Acres +/-)
Z-24-0006 Walker Family Holdings, LTD, owne; William Belmont, applicant; requests a change of zoning from A-1 (Agriculture to I-1 (Light Industrial) for the development of a 12,000 square ft. showroom and sales center with parking and an onsite storage yard for ATV’s UTV’s, motorcycles, sea-doos and like vehicles. PID# 1200221000018000 in Section 22/ Township 16/ Range 1 W (Site address: 4370 Valley Road, Birmingham, AL 35235)(3.30 Acres +/-)
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