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A-24-0022 Roger Marbutt and Sandra Marbutt, owners; Jackson Kiser, agent; request a variance from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow a 10-foot by 16-foot pavilion to be constructed ten (10) feet from the rear of a primary residence in lieu of the required 16 feet. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture). PID# 0500240000014001 in section 24/ Township 15/ Range 5W. (Site address 7151 Doc Owens Road, Dora, 35062)(1.66 Acres +/-)(Dora)
A-24-0023 Hillview Church of Christ, owner; John Prichard, agent; request variances from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow a shed to remain as located four (4) feet from a proposed side (south) property line on proposed Lot 3A; and to allow a church to remain 28 feet to a proposed property line and a church canopy to remain as located five (5) feet to a proposed property line on Lot 1A * Property zoned R-6 (Single Family) and R-2 (Single Family)** PID# 2200071008001000. Proposed Lots 3A and 1A / Resurvey of Lot 1 Hillview Church of Christ Survey* in section 7/ Township 17/ Range 3W. (Site address 750 Heflin Avenue E, Birmingham, 35214)(2.83 Acres +/-)(Forestdale)
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Jun 24, 2024 Board of Zoning Adjustment
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A-24-0022 Roger Marbutt and Sandra Marbutt, owners; Jackson Kiser, agent; request a variance from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow a 10-foot by 16-foot pavilion to be constructed ten (10) feet from the rear of a primary residence in lieu of the required 16 feet. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture). PID# 0500240000014001 in section 24/ Township 15/ Range 5W. (Site address 7151 Doc Owens Road, Dora, 35062)(1.66 Acres +/-)(Dora)
A-24-0023 Hillview Church of Christ, owner; John Prichard, agent; request variances from the terms of the zoning regulations to allow a shed to remain as located four (4) feet from a proposed side (south) property line on proposed Lot 3A; and to allow a church to remain 28 feet to a proposed property line and a church canopy to remain as located five (5) feet to a proposed property line on Lot 1A * Property zoned R-6 (Single Family) and R-2 (Single Family)** PID# 2200071008001000. Proposed Lots 3A and 1A / Resurvey of Lot 1 Hillview Church of Christ Survey* in section 7/ Township 17/ Range 3W. (Site address 750 Heflin Avenue E, Birmingham, 35214)(2.83 Acres +/-)(Forestdale)
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