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A-24-0027 A-24-0027 Annie Mae Thomas and J.D. Thomas, Jr., owners; Thomas Dreher, agent; request variances from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow recording of a three-lot subdivision resulting in Lot 1 having less than one acre; an existing residence on Lot 2 being located 21 feet to the rear (east) property line; and, an existing commercial building on Lot 3 being located 21 feet from the side (west) property line and 15 feet to the rear (north) property line; and to allow an accessory structure on Lot 1 without first establishing a residence on the property. Also, an appeal to allow a guest house/garage apartment to remain as located on Lot 2. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) & C-1 (Commercial)*. PID# 0600030000020000 in section 3/ Township 15/ Range 4W. Proposed Lots 1, 2, & 3 / Thomas Subdivision**. (Site address 3777 Warrior Jasper Road, Warrior, 35180)(3.53 Acres +/-)(Corner)*
A-24-0028 Thomas A. Byram, owner, Michael Bynum, agent; request variances from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow a single family dwelling and a mobile home (for family use) to remain as located on the same property; and, to allow the mobile home to remain as located five (5) feet from the side property line. Property zoned R-6 (Single Family). PID#s 1400291000007004 & 1400291000011000 in section 29/ Township 16/ Range 3W. (Site address 3901 Hodges Cemetery Road, Mt. Olive, 35117)(1.95 Acres +/-)(Brookside)
A-24-0029 Louis Forman and Ginger Forman, owners; request a use variance to allow a metal fabrication business as a home occupation; and, to allow a mobile home on the same property to be occupied by someone other than the property owner or the property owner’s immediate family. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture). PID# 3100093000010001 in section 9/ Township 18/ Range 5W. (Site address 6859 Warrior River Road, Bessemer, 35023)(1.96 Acres +/-)(Rock Creek)
A-24-0030 ak Grove Baptist Church, owner; Stephanie Smith, agent; request variances from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow an existing pole sign to remain as located, and to allow the replacement of the existing sign face with an electronic message board with the same dimensions. Property zoned Institutional-1. PID# 0800230000009000 in section 23/ Township 15/ Range 2W. (Site address 7391 Narrows Road, Pinson, 35126)(1.54 Acres +/- )(Crosston)
A-24-0031 Zackary T. Hays and Shelby Hays, owners; request variances from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow construction of an office/warehouse/showroom to be located zero (0) feet to the front (west) property line (where adjacent to property leased by the applicant); 50 feet from the centerline of both Cagle Drive and Burks Lane; and 15 feet to the rear (east) property line. Also, a request to waive the 15-foot buffer requirement along the rear (east) property line. Property zoned I-1 (Light Industrial). PID# 0700321000020000 in section 32 / Township 15/ Range 3W. (Site address 1114 Burks Lane, Mount Olive, 35117)(0.22 Acres +/-)(Mount Olive)
A-24-0032 Angle Construction, Inc., owner; Larry Davis, agent request a variance from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow recording of a lot having less than the minimum required one acre. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture). PID# 0400260000016008 in section 26 / Township 14/ Range 4W. (Site address 2714 Torrance Road, Warrior, 35180)(0.98 Acres +/-)(Corner)
A-24-0033 H & C Properties LLC, owner; Walter Hooper, agent; variances from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow construction of a warehouse to be located 10 feet from the south and east property lines where adjacent to property zoned commercial in lieu of the required 35 feet; and, to waive the 15-foot buffer requirement along the east property line. Property zoned I-1 (Light Industrial) PID# 3100161000007000 in section 16/ Township 18S/ Range 5W. Lot 1 / Final Plat H & C Properties Subdivision. (Site address 6625 Warrior River Rd., Bessemer, 35023)(2.91 Acres +/-)(Concord)
A-24-0034 Nancy Elliot Epps, owner; Wes Bertoldi, agent; request a variance from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow recording of a lot having 25 feet in road frontage. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture). PID# 0200220000010000 in section 22/ Township 14S/ Range 2W. Proposed Lot 2 / Elliott-Kennedy Farms Subdivision*. (Site address 2986 West Smith Mill Road)(24.31 Acres +/- )(Trafford034
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Aug 26, 2024 Board of Zoning Adjustment
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A-24-0027 A-24-0027 Annie Mae Thomas and J.D. Thomas, Jr., owners; Thomas Dreher, agent; request variances from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow recording of a three-lot subdivision resulting in Lot 1 having less than one acre; an existing residence on Lot 2 being located 21 feet to the rear (east) property line; and, an existing commercial building on Lot 3 being located 21 feet from the side (west) property line and 15 feet to the rear (north) property line; and to allow an accessory structure on Lot 1 without first establishing a residence on the property. Also, an appeal to allow a guest house/garage apartment to remain as located on Lot 2. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture) & C-1 (Commercial)*. PID# 0600030000020000 in section 3/ Township 15/ Range 4W. Proposed Lots 1, 2, & 3 / Thomas Subdivision**. (Site address 3777 Warrior Jasper Road, Warrior, 35180)(3.53 Acres +/-)(Corner)*
A-24-0028 Thomas A. Byram, owner, Michael Bynum, agent; request variances from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow a single family dwelling and a mobile home (for family use) to remain as located on the same property; and, to allow the mobile home to remain as located five (5) feet from the side property line. Property zoned R-6 (Single Family). PID#s 1400291000007004 & 1400291000011000 in section 29/ Township 16/ Range 3W. (Site address 3901 Hodges Cemetery Road, Mt. Olive, 35117)(1.95 Acres +/-)(Brookside)
A-24-0029 Louis Forman and Ginger Forman, owners; request a use variance to allow a metal fabrication business as a home occupation; and, to allow a mobile home on the same property to be occupied by someone other than the property owner or the property owner’s immediate family. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture). PID# 3100093000010001 in section 9/ Township 18/ Range 5W. (Site address 6859 Warrior River Road, Bessemer, 35023)(1.96 Acres +/-)(Rock Creek)
A-24-0030 ak Grove Baptist Church, owner; Stephanie Smith, agent; request variances from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow an existing pole sign to remain as located, and to allow the replacement of the existing sign face with an electronic message board with the same dimensions. Property zoned Institutional-1. PID# 0800230000009000 in section 23/ Township 15/ Range 2W. (Site address 7391 Narrows Road, Pinson, 35126)(1.54 Acres +/- )(Crosston)
A-24-0031 Zackary T. Hays and Shelby Hays, owners; request variances from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow construction of an office/warehouse/showroom to be located zero (0) feet to the front (west) property line (where adjacent to property leased by the applicant); 50 feet from the centerline of both Cagle Drive and Burks Lane; and 15 feet to the rear (east) property line. Also, a request to waive the 15-foot buffer requirement along the rear (east) property line. Property zoned I-1 (Light Industrial). PID# 0700321000020000 in section 32 / Township 15/ Range 3W. (Site address 1114 Burks Lane, Mount Olive, 35117)(0.22 Acres +/-)(Mount Olive)
A-24-0032 Angle Construction, Inc., owner; Larry Davis, agent request a variance from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow recording of a lot having less than the minimum required one acre. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture). PID# 0400260000016008 in section 26 / Township 14/ Range 4W. (Site address 2714 Torrance Road, Warrior, 35180)(0.98 Acres +/-)(Corner)
A-24-0033 H & C Properties LLC, owner; Walter Hooper, agent; variances from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow construction of a warehouse to be located 10 feet from the south and east property lines where adjacent to property zoned commercial in lieu of the required 35 feet; and, to waive the 15-foot buffer requirement along the east property line. Property zoned I-1 (Light Industrial) PID# 3100161000007000 in section 16/ Township 18S/ Range 5W. Lot 1 / Final Plat H & C Properties Subdivision. (Site address 6625 Warrior River Rd., Bessemer, 35023)(2.91 Acres +/-)(Concord)
A-24-0034 Nancy Elliot Epps, owner; Wes Bertoldi, agent; request a variance from the terms of the zoning resolution to allow recording of a lot having 25 feet in road frontage. Property zoned A-1 (Agriculture). PID# 0200220000010000 in section 22/ Township 14S/ Range 2W. Proposed Lot 2 / Elliott-Kennedy Farms Subdivision*. (Site address 2986 West Smith Mill Road)(24.31 Acres +/- )(Trafford034
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